Sunday, September 19, 2010

Baby #11

Finally it was time for the triplets birthday and for them to start school. Melody was really happy about this, because the triplets were very tough to handle and now she had the twin girls to take care of too.

All three were looking forward to school, and opposite to when they were toddlers, they were now very helpful. Geri was a very neat girl and she cleaned the house every day!
Geri                      Hailey                 Kelsie

The next day, when the triplets and Eloun and Lynelle were in school, Melody hired a baby sitter and took a trip to Santa Hannah. Alecia had told Melody that she was working in the consignment store and she wanted to visit her. Alecia got so happy about seeing her mom.

When Melody got home later that day it was time to celebrate Leigh and Gemma.

They both got Melody's hair color, but they got different eye colors. They were both very cute and actually very nice and easy toddlers. 

Melody felt that after giving birth to 10 babies, she deserves a vacation! So she bought a last minute ticket to Japan. Melody couldn't help but getting amazed of how beautiful it was there. She stayed for five days and she enjoyed every minute of the trip! She took walks around the neighborhood and found rare seeds and pretty butterflies.

But seeds and insects wasn't the only thing she came home with, she also took the opportunity to find guys willing to help her in her challenge!

And she was already pregnant when she got home. An older man came up to her, telling her that he heard her talking about her challenge with another guy. He also told her that he never really cared about children, but he could help her if she want to, because he didn't want to leave this world without an offspring.

Melody barely made it home before the nausea came, and the same evening it was Eloun and Lynelles birthday. They were now young adults and graduated, like all Melodys kids seemed to do, with top grades.

They were both very unique looking and had their own style. Melody was sure that they will succeed in life.

Time flied and soon it was time for the triplets to become teenagers!

Hailey and Kelsie was still looking exactly like each other, but all three had different hairstyles and clothing style! They were all very good girls and always did their homework and helped Melody with various things.
Geri                       Hailey                     Kelsie

Guess what, the next day was another birthday! This time it was Gemma and Leighs turn to get a little older.

They weren't exactly looking like each other, but there wasn't much difference. Leigh had a great sense of humor, she always had something funny to say and Gemma was very interested in cooking but she wasn't the beast at cleaning up after herself...

That night Melody got woken up by the baby inside her, it was time.

She called a cab who took her to the hospital, and Melody got a little surprised when the doctor didn't say anything about twins or triplets, but she got very pleased when he told her it was a boy.

She named him Keitaro.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Baby #9

Life wasn't easy with three newborn babies. Like that wasn't enough, Melody had her four other kids to take care of too! One could see it in her eyes that she was exhausted, but Melody would never trade her kids for anything in the world! Even tho she never got a good nights sleep or had any time for herself she loved her children and was happier than ever before.

Luckily enough Eloun and Lynelles birthdays were coming up, and soon they were beginning school.

They both looked forward to school and they should do just fine! And they did. They are both very fast learners and they always did their homework right away when they got home. In their spare time Eloun loved to write and Lynelle loved to paint.
 Eloun            Lynelle

Melody felt like there was always broken things around the house. With seven kids and a garden to take care of, she didn't have any time for repairing! She called a repairman and he came right away. When Melody was about to pay him, she realized that he was pretty good-looking. She told him about her challenge and told him that if he wants to help her, she could tip him with a nice time in bed...    

The next day was the triplets birthday! Melody took the opportunity to celebrate them when the other children were still in school.

Hailey and Kelsie turned out to look exactly like each other, except for the hair color! Hailey had the same as her mother, while Kelsie and Geri inherited their fathers hair color. Geri wasn't very different from her sisters, the biggest difference was her nose. But all three girls were very demanding. If they wanted something, they wanted it now! And on top of that, they all had different sleeping routines...

Of course Kelvin, the repairman, couldn't refuse Melodys offer. One day he called her and asked if he could drop by. Melody was a little indecisive, she still had a hard time with the triplets, but usually she feels so much better when she's pregnant. She said yes, and he dropped by.

Ewan was the first and the only one of Melodys children who disliked what she was doing. But he never said anything about it, instead he taught his younger sisters to walk and talk, or played with them.

But then it was time for both twin pairs birthdays! Ewan and Harvey was now officially adults and Eloun and Lynelle teenagers!

Ewan was a little sad about moving, he liked living with his family. Harvey on the other hand was really looking forward on moving and starting a life on his own. Well, Ewan was also looking forward to starting his own life, but he was going to miss his sisters very much. Melody was once again a little emotional that her little babies were moving out.
    Ewan                Harvey

The girls turned out really beautiful! They were more alike than Ewan and Harvey, but there was still some difference between them.
 Eloun              Lynelle

As Melody thought she was feeling better now when she was pregnant. She loved to feel a little baby growing inseide of her. Melody took good care of her garden now, and it was actually pretty successful. She made a lot of money on the fruits and vegetables she sold. Melody saved every simdollar, and soon she can afford to buy her dream house.You didn't think she had forgot about it, did you?

Finally the day came when the baby wanted to get out. Melody wished for a boy because there were only girls left in the house now that Ewan and Harvey had moved out!

This time there was only two babies! Two girls, of course....!

She named them Leigh and Gemma.


Thank you Mirabell C for all the lovely names. I've soon used them all! :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Baby #6

Melody was lucky having such helpful kids. Alecia took the boys to the park so that they could play some chess and Melody could get some time alone with the newborn girls. Ewan and Harvey loved chess and enjoyed their stay in the park.

It truly was a good thing that Melody had Alecia. Alecia could take care of her siblings, make dinner and clean the house, and Melody could focus on fixing everything that was broken. And that was a lot. It wasn't exactly a high quality house. But that didn't matter, Melody was good with fixing things, as handy as she was! 

Soon there were birthdays coming up. Four actually, Ewan, Harvey, Eloun and Lynelles. 

The older the twin boys turned, the more different they looked. One couldn't tell that they were twins at all, except that they looked the same age. They both had the passion for chess, but other than that, Ewan was nothing like Harvey. Ewan was a real mooch and actually a little weird, he sometimes went to school in his formal clothes. Harvey on the other hand was a real genius and had very good grades! 
        Ewan              Harvey
The baby girls were also growing older and they were so cute. They were both very happy toddlers and didn't make much mess. They loved to quietly play with their toys and were very easy to learn to walk and talk.
 Eloun                        Lynelle    
It wasn't long until it was Alecias birthday. She was graduating from school and was moving out. Melody couldn't help getting a little emotional. Her firstborn baby was actually an adult. She still felt like Alecia was her little baby girl.

One day when Melody was heading to the grocery store she met a guy named Konrad. Apparently he had heard about her 100 baby challenge and said that he would like to help her. He invited her over to his house, and what a house! He must have been rich! He didn't waste any time and after they woohooed he said to her "You find the way out on you own, huh?" Then he took his dressing gown, took his pack of cigarettes, told her to get the fuck out before his wife comes home and went out on the balcony. 

Melody was furious, but she just took her things and went home. She tried to focus on other things, like that she finally had enough money to buy herself a new bed! 

And there was even enough money left to buy a chess table for Ewan and Harvey!

Time flied and it didn't happen anything in particular in the house, everything was going smoothly. Until the day when Melody's sixth child was going to be born! One could think that Melody should be used to this feeling now, but even tho it's practically the same feeling it feels differently every time! 

This time it wasn't only one baby. Not even two. 

But THREE! Triplets! Three tiny baby girls. Melody named them Hailey, Geri and Kelsie.


This time I wanna thank my sister for making the father, 
and once again Mirabell C for the names!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Baby #4

Melody's life didn't get as complicated as she thought, with three kids. Alecia's birthday was coming up and she wished for a pony, but she knew she wouldn't get any.

Michel came to visit Alecia every now and then, and they always played and laughed so much. They seemed like best friends and Alecia loved her dad, even tho he wasn't around all the time. She always had someone to play with, if it wasn't dad it was Ben, or someone else! But she always found time to do her homeworks AND help her mom with dishes and cleaning the house.

Soon it was time for the twins birthday. What started out as a nice, cozy celebration ended up in... chaos! The cake set on fire and it spread to the counters and Melody haven't even installed any fire alarm yet! She hurried to call the fire department and they came quickly. The firefighter rapidly extinguished the fire and everything turned out okay. But the cake was very much inedible...

The boys didn't look anything like each other! Different hair colors and eye colors. The only thing that looked the same was the haircut. And some of their clothes...

Alecia loved her baby brothers and helped Melody a lot with playing with them and keeping them entertained.

But time flies and Alecia soon turned into a teenager. She was very talented in school and had very good grades. Now when she understood a little more then when she was only a child she helped Melody not only with cleaning but also with teaching the twins to walk and talk.

With Alecia being able to look after the twins Melody could actually get some time for herself and get out of the house. She was going to meet her brother down at the tattoo studio in Santa Hannah, and when she was there waiting for him she met a guy named Will. He was very nice and pretty good looking, so Melody told him about her 100 baby challenge and asked if he would like to help her.

What guy could possibly decline woohoo with Melody?! Will couldn't, and the look upon his face shows how much he likes her body. He didn't stay for long after the woohoo, and Melody never heard from him ever again.

It was birthday time again! At least this time the cake didn't set on fire!

The boys didn't get more alike when they grew up, quite the opposite. They didn't even have the same nose or mouth! But they were both interested in chess.

This pregnancy was by far the easiest Melody have had so far. It felt like it was yesterday she woohooed Will, but when she stood there talking with Alecias friend she felt it. Once again it was time for another baby to be born! Melody had already come up with two girl names, so she desperately wished for twin girls.

And her wish came true. Two cute baby girls were born and she named them Eloun and Lynelle!